Friday, December 15, 2006

Forgiven Of All Your Sins

Ephesians 1:7

7In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.

People have said to me, “Pastor Prince, I was taught that only my past sins — from the day I was born until the day I became a Christian — have been forgiven, and that my future sins are not forgiven until I confess them and seek forgiveness.”
Let me ask you: When Jesus died on the cross, how many of your sins were future? Unless you are more than 2,000 years old, all your sins were future when Jesus died for you! Jesus saw all your sins then, took them all and nailed them to the cross, and pronounced, “It is finished!” So if you are not forgiven of all, you are not forgiven at all.
“You mean, Pastor Prince, Jesus died for the sin I committed just a moment ago?”
“And also for the sins that I’m sure I will commit during the rest of this year?”
Yes! That’s why He said, “It is finished!”
But we are inconsistent in our believing. Out of our mouths, we say, “It is finished.” Yet, we also say, “I must do something.” One part of us says, “God has forgiven me of all my sins.” But another part of us says, “Yes, but I must still confess my sins to be forgiven of them.”
My friend, you are forgiven not because of your work of confession. Confession has never been a work to earn you forgiveness. It is the blood of Jesus that cleanses and forgives you. You are forgiven because of the blood.
You cannot believe that you are forgiven of your past, present and future sins, and still think that there is something for you to do to make that forgiveness real or complete. If you do, then it becomes your work, not Jesus’. Jesus did not die on the cross to give us such a flimsy salvation. When He came to save us, He saved us to the uttermost — completely! (Hebrews 7:25)
Once you know that you are forgiven of all your sins, you confess because you have already been forgiven. You don’t confess to be forgiven. And even if you forget to confess, thank God you have a Saviour who also died for your forgetfulness!


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