Friday, September 15, 2006

Have You Read The Good News Today?

Matthew 6:33
… seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

God doesn’t want you grabbing the newspaper first thing in the morning and reading all the bad news in the world. He knows that if you do that, your heart will be full of cares, anxieties and even fears.

This happened to a mother who read in the newspaper that students from China studying in our local schools were becoming top students. She wrote to the press, voicing her concerns about the stiff competition her child would face from these students, even for the top jobs in Singapore in the future.

You see, when you are reading the newspapers, magazines, medical journals, economic reports, watching movies or surfing the Internet all the time, then you are getting your “nourishment” from these sources instead of God’s Word. Now, I am not against these things. But if you constantly feed on earthly things which cannot satisfy, you will fill your heart and mind with cares and worries.

Jesus doesn’t want you to end up worrying about your life — what you will eat, drink or wear — as these are the things that the Gentiles (people of the world) seek. He says that your heavenly Father knows very well that you need these things. (Matthew 6:31–32) That is why He promises you that if you would seek God’s kingdom first and His righteousness, all these things that the world seeks after (health, wealth, success and wellness) will be added to you, not just given but added, which means greater in quantity and quality!

If you are broke, don’t pursue money. Pursue God your prosperity. If you are faced with lack, don’t pursue material goods. Pursue God your provider. If you are sick, don’t pursue healing. Pursue God your healer.

So don’t grab the newspaper or call your friend first thing in the morning to talk about the latest bad news. Instead, grab your Bible and read all the good news God has for you for the day. And as you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all the things that the world is running after will be added to you!

This message is the copyright of New Creation Church.


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